Financial Foundations / Phnom Penh
Registrations are closed
Financial Foundations / Phnom Penh
April 27, 2024 Saturday 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
May 4, 2024 Saturday 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Registration Fee comprises a Seminar Manual
Financial Foundations
This seminar is different from other Christian finance seminars. The teaching does not feature merely "practical" information on finances, but follows Craig Hill's anointed understanding of God's Word in teaching finances from a Biblical and heart perspective (Matt. 6:21). The teaching and personal ministry opportunities will reveal root causes why you may not be prospering financially as you should. If your heart's desire is to be able to have an abundance to pour into God's Kingdom here on earth, this seminar experience is for you!

Ptr. Rogil & Jaja Apostol
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Seminar Coordinator and Facilitators
Registrations are closed
Blessing Generations
Ways To Pay Our Seminars & Events
Pay securely through our pay receiving bank account and Gcash.
Chinabank PH
Scan your Deposit Slip and email to for confirmation.
Account Name: Raffi Catalan, National Office Administrator
You can send your payments to GCash 09669976701
Pay securely online, digitally via Paypal and at our registration counter.
PAYPAL, Debit or Credit Card
You can send our payments to our Paypal Accout:
At The Venue
You can pay at the seminar registration counter.